Scientific Information Center-Scientific Library (hereinafter-SIC-SL) of Narxoz University was organized in 1963 and passed a long way of development. Working closely with all departments of the university, it kept itself up to date, introducing all the latest developments into its work. The main goal of the SIC-SL is to satisfy the information needs of users of higher education started from students who acquire education to teachers and ending with staff engaged in educational and scientific activities. Today, SIC-SL has nearly 1 million of publications. The library fund is multisectoral in its composition, consisting of the literature on basic sciences, mainly in economics, as well as fiction, periodicals, dissertations, abstracts, rare books, reference and electronic publications. The library fund meets the needs of both the educational and research activities of the university. The quality of the fund meets the requirements on training specialists according to the university profile. SIC-SL strives to maximize the usage of its rich information potential by patrons. A great informational work is being done to this end. Book exhibitions, open literature reviews, seminars and conferences, meetings for students in the “Do-it-yourself” reading club, intellectual games, literary and music competitions dedicated to significant dates are traditionally organized in the reading rooms.

At the present moment 18 people work in the library. There are workers among them who gave more than 30 years for the formation and development of one library. SIC-NB employees assist readers in searching information in internal and external databases and in electronic catalog, provide photocopying, scanning services, and teach students how to work with full-text electronic publications. SIC-SL has always figured perminently in the educational process and research activities of the university. Everything new introduced in the library of Narxoz University is only the first step to the future. We still have a long way of the processes reorganization in order to meet the requirements set by the time.